July 11, 2009


My blog here seems to have a bug or something. When I open it from my computer, I'm getting an error notice.
Is it just my pc or is it the blog website?
Please let me know if you have had errors when opening this blog as well!
I need to figure out if I should be looking for the solution in my own pc or in the contents of this blog...
Post your comment here or send me an email. Thanks for helping out!

Edit: removed one of the widgets and it seems to be solved now!

1 comment:

  1. looks like it always did when i visit your blog. hope that widget removal helped in the long run.
    got to shower now...aaah, you don't appreciate hot water from the tap once you've live a weekend in hult with lousy weather=no chance of showering outside...
    take care hun!
