Last Thursday, April 23rd, Albert turned 38. Our little tradition is to start birthdays at midnight by giving presents. This year the moment was extra nice: that afternoon a box arrived from our Swedish friends. So, after unwrapping my gifts (I'd chosen to give 6 gifts; one from each cat and one from me. I know that sounds cheesy but I don't care!), it was time to dive into the box! It was stuffed with all kinds of goodies and yummie candy, such a joy to open! On the picture above Albert is showing a few of the goodies :)
The next morning we went to the zoo Ouwehand's Dierenpark, a place that carries many happy memories for us. We started visiting it right at the start of our relationship and it still doesn't bore us. We love it so much that we even celebrated out wedding party over there!
It was an awesome day. Wonderful weather (sunny but not too hot) and we both were in a very good mood. We just enjoyed watching all the animals and each other's company!
It was an awesome day. Wonderful weather (sunny but not too hot) and we both were in a very good mood. We just enjoyed watching all the animals and each other's company!
Here is a little impression:
great to see the photos from albert's day! that reindeer seemed familiar. ;) seemed like a great day with wonderful weather and great food...aah, give me kaassoufflé! :-P